
(KDD2023) Investigating Trojan Attacks on Pre-trained Language Model-powered Database Middleware

The recent success of pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as BERT has resulted in the development of various beneficial database middlewares, including natural language query interfaces and entity matching. This shift has been greatly facilitated by the extensive external knowledge of PLMs.

(ATC2021) Adaptive Quantization-aware Training and Model Compression.

Our research focuses on the software and hardware synergy of on-device learning techniques, covering the scope of model-level neural network design, algorithm-level training optimization and hardware-level arithmetic acceleration.

(NeurIPS2022) Progressive Network Sparsification and Latent Feature Compression for Scalable Collaborative Learning.

Our research focuses on the software and hardware synergy of on-device learning techniques, covering the scope of model-level neural network design, algorithm-level training optimization and hardware-level arithmetic acceleration.

(AAAI2023)Masked Autoencoders for Occlusion-aware Visual Learners

Our research focuses on the software and hardware synergy of on-device learning techniques, covering the scope of model-level neural network design, algorithm-level training optimization and hardware-level arithmetic acceleration.

Masked Autoencoders for Occlusion-aware Visual Learners

Our research focuses on the software and hardware synergy of on-device learning techniques, covering the scope of model-level neural network design, algorithm-level training optimization and hardware-level arithmetic acceleration.

(TKDE)Semantic Query and Index Layer in Semantic Blockchain Database

Blockchain database is a new direction that constructs index on top of blockchain to provide rich query functionalities. The existing works are either insecure because the query process separates from the blockchain consensus, or inscalable because all the data needs to be stored in the block. Therefore, we propose an authenticated semantic database layer for blockchains.

(ICPP2020)Intelligent Consensus Layer in Learning-Driven Dynamic Architecture

Most existing blockchain systems adopt a static policy that cannot efciently deal with the dynamic environment in the blockchain system, i.e., joining and leaving of nodes, and malicious attack. Therefore, we propose a novel dynamic sharding-based blockchain framework to achieve a good balance between performance and security without compromising scalability under a dynamic environment.

(INFOCOM2021)Layered Sharding Architecture for Blockchain

Most existing blockchain systems adopt a static policy that cannot efciently deal with the dynamic environment in the blockchain system, i.e., joining and leaving of nodes, and malicious attack. Therefore, we propose a novel dynamic sharding-based blockchain framework to achieve a good balance between performance and security without compromising scalability under a dynamic environment.

(INFOCOM2021)New Architectures and Methodologies for High Performance Sharding Blockchain

Blockchain draws tremendous attention from academia and industry, since it can provide distributed ledgers with data transparency, integrity, and immutability to untrusted parties for various decentralized applications.